Jardin Essentiel
Garden 'Jardin Essentiel', Parc Duden (B)
Rudy Luijters, Summer 2016
Commissioner: Environment Agency, Brussels
‘Jardin Essentiel’ is a herbal and medicinal garden conceived by Rudy Luijters, within the framework of the urban festival ‘Parckdesign’ in Brussels. About 25 species of plants, chosen for their different sensory qualities, were planted and used in different forms throughout a whole summer season. The field, a formerly dull lawn side of a park, is about 30 decares. People were particularly triggered by the different aspects of the project and as a result a group of garden-volunteers decided to continue maintaining and developing the herbal garden.
In the press (in French and Dutch):
Retour à l'essentiel au Parc Duden
Kruidenpluk het landschapspark