Entrees Terheijl
Site specific work for Noordenveld, Westerkwartier (NL)
Artists: Atelier Veldwerk (Rudy Luijters, Onno Dirker), KCCM (Krijn Christiaanse, Cathelijne Montens), Jeroen van Westen. 2016, realized 2019.
Commissionner: Municipality of Noordenveld i.c.w. Municipality of Westerkwartier
The initial assignment in 2016 was to design four works of art as entrance gates for the Terheijl estate, a special area in the province of Drenthe.
The delivered work consists of:
- sixty field posts that accompany different routes
- six larger posts with field names and incorporated boulders
- a nursery of two-styled hawthorn
- six pillars marking the entrances to the domain, built of bricks made of potting clay obtained on site.
- a publication on the process, elements and presence of Terheijl: “Gids Terheijl”
The heads of the field posts were made of the material that is present in the soil: clay, meltwater sand or cover sand. The clay was fired, the fine meltwater sand was processed into glass and concrete cups were made from the coarser cover sand.
The larger marker posts incorporate sawn and polished boulders from the surrounding fields.
The Smooth hawthorns (a locally occurring rare species) that are cultivated in the nursery will be used as specific landscape elements in Terheijl and in time the shrubs will also be available to third parties, with a special certificate made by the artists.
The publication
GIds Terheijl
In the press
Allemansgoed Terheijl – kunst en landgoed in ontwikkeling
With the support of Mondriaanfonds, Province of Drenthe, Recreation Board Drenthe