The explanation
Site specific artwork for the Historical Centre Overijssel, Zwolle (NL)
Atelier Veldwerk (Onno Dirker, Rudy Luijters), 2009
Commissioner: Rijksgebouwendienst and the city of Zwolle
In 2008, the new extension of the Historical Centre Overijssel (HCO) was inaugurated. Rudy Luijters was asked to create an artwork and suggested to crown the old building with a robust weather vane on which one can read: Tekst en uitleg (text and explanation). In addition, this ‘explanation’ was made literaly with the publication of a booklet about art in public space of the city of Zwolle. As the HCO actually ‘explains’ the history of the region in word, image and sound, so the artwork Tekst en Uitleg endeavours to do the same with the arts in the city, also in the form of the publication. The booklet can only be taken by pulling the arm of the specially constructed book vending machine in the HCO, part of the artwork.
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