The polder as a Park
Arrangement Wickelhofpark, Mijdrecht (NL)
Atelier Veldwerk (Onno Dirker, Rudy Luijters), 2002 – 2008 Commissioner: Community of De Ronde Venen
Landscaping: BRO-Adviseurs in ruimtelijke ordening, economie en milieu
The park design of the Wichelhofpark is a 13 ha. ‘Condensed’ polder landscape. Atelier Veldwerk made the basic design of the park following a thorough visual analysis of the landscape. After categorizing the various elements the designs were drawn for the polder bridges, fences, benches and other elements. Great care was paid to the nature of materials used.
The design vision summarized existing functional landscape elements so that no new layer has been added.
The landscape is conceived as a public playground and it is based on the implicit possibilities that the landscape and related elements can offer (climbing, strolling, hiding, jumping ditches, fishing, ice skating, etc.). As a consequence no explicit play objects are included in the park.
More information:
Brochure The polder as a Park
In the press:
Voorbij de polderblindheid
Kunst dringt het landschap binnen
Onbedoelde esthetiek in hekken en bruggen