Flora Extramuralis
Artwork for OPZ Geel (Psychiatric Hospital Geel) (B)
Rudy J. Luijters, 2006
Commissioner: OPZ Geel / Kunstcel Vlaams Bouwmeester
The grounds of the Psychiatric Care Centre in Geel (B) is a patchwork quilt of old and new, exceptional and unexceptional open patches, shrubberies and gardens. The planting there is similarly varied. In the spring of 2006 the participants of Luijters’ workshop (patients and ex-patients of the OPZ) took to the open air. Armed with pruners, they scoured the grounds for branches, leaves, plants and flowers. Their only instructions were to ‘make a drawing of everything you bring to the studio’. The drawings are organized in regular ‘botanical’ fashion in the publication Flora Extramuralis.